Thursday, November 15, 2007


as the holiday season approaches the number of cataloges you receive in you mailbox increases.
If you are tired of receiving so many cataloges check out Green Dimes. It is a service that stops direct mail. You can indicate catalogues you’d like to receive and they take care of removing the rest. Amazing! They also have a petition on their web site to try to instate a “do not mail” list similar to the “do not call” list. Save a tree!


Anonymous said...

GreenDimes here,

Thanks for mentioning our Catalog screener. We love it.

Anonymous said...

I think this is great that more people are wanting to reduce junk mail to save trees/ environment. I have found a company, UnlistAssist (dot) com, that will remove your name from 40 database directories for 3 years. This will not only reduce junk mail, but also protect your personal privacy. They currently have a special of $10 off the registration fee. Just use this promo code: UAPROMO07